Mid County Veterinary Hospital & Laser Surgical Center / Dental Department

Mid County Veterinary Hospital

11368 Okeechobee Blvd
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411



Dental Department


How often does my dog or cat need a professional teeth cleaning?

It varies based on the breed of your pet, what he/she eats, how vigilant you are about at home dental care (brushing his/her teeth, dental treats or chews, etc.), and prior dental care. For instance, many larger breed dogs rarely need a cleaning, whereas a toy breed may be more prone to tartar build up and require a cleaning as early as 1 year of age. Also, pets that are fed wet food or table scraps generally have a greater accumulation of tartar build-up and are, therefore, more susceptible to periodontal disease.

My pet gets his “teeth cleaned” at the groomer’s and he gets dental treats. Is that enough?

While it’s important to brush your pet’s teeth, it is not enough. Just as us humans need to have thorough dental cleanings periodically, so does your pet. Dental treats should supplement but not exclude other aspects of your pet’s dental care.

Do you offer sedation-free dentistry?

In accordance with the guidelines of the American Animal Hospital Association, we do not believe a thorough and safe dental experience can be achieved for your pet without anesthesia. Your pet’s airway will be protected from water during the procedure and his/her vitals will be monitored by a technician while a thorough oral exam and cleaning will be performed. Prior to even putting your pet under anesthesia, the doctor will perform and pre-anesthetic evaluation involving an exam and bloodwork.

Why is dental care important for my pet?

Teeth cleaning is an important aspect of the health care of our pets and is correlated to their overall health. Pets that do not receive proper dental care are prone to developing gum diseases and eventual loss of teeth. This can cause pain and discomfort and may necessitate emergency treatment. Dental care is all about prevention.

preparing for dental cleaning


dental before


dental after

Dental Cleaning